Ageless Xtra by Oasis Lifesciences in Lacey, Washington
By Damon Marturion
New Business News Staff Writer
A powerful, all natural, health beverage. This revolutionary product took 5 years to develop and millions of dollars and it delivers benefits. Oasis Life Sciences says it is a product you can "feel." Some consumers say it taste like a "fine wine," others say it taste "exotic."
AgelessXtra - ALL NATURAL - is a powerful drink with no caffeine, sugar or ephedra. This product gives energy that is beyond your imagination AgelessXtra also gives powerful mental clarity, relieves joint discomfort and renews cells. With improved mood -per customer reports.
Dentist, Doctors and many others are raving about this first and only cell renewal formula. Folks in the dental field are commenting about improved oral health.
Customers have reported incredible results to include -increased flexibility, increased indurance, a happy mood, stress reduction, and marked improvement in overall health to include weight reduction.
This product was developed using Genomics research and had double blind placebo clinical trials - this product is all natural and has the science to back it up. It has rare botanicals and Oasis proprietary compounds. The company says it is also a powerful antioxidant.
The company Oasis Life Sciences offers a 90 day money back gaurantee. Imagine being able to consume a product for 3 full months risk free?
The product is produced by Oasis Life Sciences in Lacey Washington, you can tour the lab and corporate offices. There are also Reps. you can call to get answers to your questions from a person, not a recording.
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