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"New Businesses Sharing New Business News "


By Damon Marturion
New Business News Staff Writer

Menlo Park, CA -- AtomicTangerine, an SRI International spin-off, today announced its first spin-off, SecurityPortal, as part of its mission to create, claim and own the category of venture consulting. At launch, is a fully operational business, with over 30 security professionals and offerings that will include: security audits and benchmarks, custom surveys and security alerts, incident response services, security forums moderated by recognized experts in the field and a brand-new Internet Security University (ISU). This ISU will offer a complete set of 100-400-level online courses designed to prepare security professionals for certification. Agent technology allows for 24 X 7, 365-day online search and filter Web monitoring.

One of the newest features of is the ability to conduct secure online discussions. Blaine McCoy, Chief Information Officer, Puget Sound Refining Company of Equilon, a joint partnership of Shell and Texaco, stated that, " enables like-minded industry leaders to collaborate on mission-critical Internet and security issues."

Jonathan Fornaci, president and CEO of AtomicTangerine, says, "We are pleased to announce the first of an anticipated 3-5 spin-offs a year. represents the best of our venture consulting model -- joint commitment of resources, talent, technology and processes dedicated to incubating innovation in one of our strongest areas of expertise -- information security."

Jim Maloney, former vice president of Information Security at AtomicTangerine, heads up the new incubator spin-off as its president and CEO. Of the new venture, Jim says, "The success of is directly tied to the success of the Information Security practice of AtomicTangerine and vice versa."

Karen Worstell, current AtomicTangerine director of Information Security, takes over as vice president of Information Security at AtomicTangerine. Of the new company, Karen adds, "We're extending our traditional consulting practice to delivery of services online. allows us to give our customers relevant, current information, easy access and the security of a site commensurate with the sensitivity of the information we expect to be exchanged there."

. . . watch for more stories coming soon  


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