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Certified Web Design Classes Produce Qualified Professionals

By Damon Marturion
New Business News Staff Writer

SEATTLE -- One company takes a stand against un-qualified Internet Web designers. Dave Masters of Web Masters Ink rolls out an online training program for certification of Web designers.

"We started the Certified Web Designer program for our clients. The majority of our clients are high-end, demanding businesses who require only the best in customer support and use the Internet as an integral part (if not the main function) of their marketing program."

Dave Masters of Web Masters Ink explains, "After we have designed and put in motion their online marketing program, they would seek local assistance for maintenance of their Web site.

This resulted in myriad complications, as lesser-qualified designers would edit the HTML documents that would alter the output or embedded programming. Resulting in deterioration of the original Web site design or in severe cases total destruction of the site.

Our clients would return to us to have to spend a great deal of money to fix the problems inherent with multiple forms of modifications that had resulted from non-qualified personnel tampering with the programming."

"The biggest single problem," says Masters, "is that anyone with a computer and a fuzzy do-it-yourself web page program can claim that they are an accomplished Web designer." It appears that the results of the automated programs are quite acceptable in appearance. Utilizing the templates that come with an automated web site production system any person with a personal computer can generate a professional looking portfolio of web site designs with no programming expertise required.

"Although it is a great way for a homemaker with some entrepreneurial drive and sales skills to make some extra cash from home, the results may look similar but are not comparable in any other way," Masters elaborates, "That is why we have developed the Certified Web Design program."

The program helps equip potential Web design hires with the programming tools necessary to get the job done in a safe and caring environment. Once a webmaster has received their certification from Web Masters Ink, they have the complete backing of the company as well as online support from other designers who have completed the courses and received certification.

"Now our clients know that their webmasters are qualified to handle the maintenance and updates of their sites without having to worry about an inexperienced designer taking their site down."

The classes are held on-line. Students are assigned a mentor, someone who has already passed the course, received certification and is currently working in the webmastering arena. The mentors are available via e-mail, chat, and ICQ, telephone or snail mail . . . by whatever method necessary. The main goal of the mentoring program is to assure that the student fully comprehends the material.

How long does the course take? "Anywhere from six weeks (minimum) to one year (maximum)," says Masters, "The student works through the material at their own pace. Each section being completed prior to moving onto the next phase. There are six phases for each student to complete, followed by the submission of their class project (Web site) and passing of a written final exam."

Who may participate? "I teach live HTML classes in the Seattle, Washington-area but the Certified Web Design courses are especially designed to be taken via the Internet. Although originally designed for our clients and their potential hires, we have opened-up registration to the general public."

How much do the classes cost? "The total cost of the program is $1,310 plus text." According to Dave Masters of Web Masters Ink, "Students may pay-as-they-go or take advantage of our pre-payment plan that offers the whole program for $900 in advance plus text."

For more information on Web Masters Ink and their Certified Web Design classes, visit them online at or phone them at 360-538-9916.

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